Our Impact
20,000+ false advertising claims removed from the market
3,000+ vehicle warranty disputes effectively resolved
150+ businesses demonstrating commitment to sound privacy practices
Our Work
BBB National Programs is a non-profit organization that enhances trust, innovation, and competition in the U.S. economy through the development and delivery of effective self-regulatory programs.
Truthful and Transparent Advertising
Businesses that advertise and market their products and services need to commit to truthful and responsible advertising. Our advertising programs uphold standards for truthful and responsible advertising and responsible targeted advertising data collection practices.
Our Programs:
Accountability in Privacy Practices
Businesses need to show their partners and customers that they put privacy first, no matter where they operate. Our programs serve as key elements of frameworks like Cross-Border Privacy Rules and Data Privacy Framework, bridging gaps between divergent privacy and data protection regimes.
Our Programs:
Responsible Children’s Advertising and Privacy
Brands have special responsibilities when engaging with children and teens. We have programs to monitor all child-directed media to ensure that marketing and data collection and management practices are compliant with self-regulatory advertising and privacy guidelines.
Our Programs:
Independent Dispute Resolution
Our fair, neutral, and impartial dispute resolution services provide businesses and consumers with due process that is voluntary and focuses on conciliation.
Our Programs:
Leading Responsibly in Emerging Initiatives
As we look to the future, BBB National Programs addresses new issues by leading individual company- or industry-wide efforts to create enforceable standards to address issues of consumer concern. Our 501(C)(3) – The Center for Industry Self-Regulation (CISR) – is dedicated to education and research that supports responsible business leaders developing fair, future-proof best practices.
Emerging Initiatives:
National Partners
BBB National Programs National Partners influence the future of regulation in their industry, demonstrating to stakeholders their commitment to accountable, industry-led standards and dispute resolution programs that protect consumers and keep the playing field level for business.
Cy Pres Awards
Help create a more trustworthy marketplace. Cy Pres funds allow BBB National Programs to serve the public interest and help protect consumers from misleading and unfair practices through our advertising and privacy self-regulation and accountability programs.